RA Detroit Ribbon Cutting and October DCPHC Mixer

On a vibrant October 24, 2023, CEO Aaron McDaniel proudly cut the ribbon on RA’s cutting-edge mail processing facility in Detroit. The event blended RA’s new facility grand opening and the Detroit Club of Printing House Craftsmen’s (DCPHC) October meeting, brought together industry pros, community leaders, RA Detroit, and DCPHC members for an evening of celebration.

Unveiling the Future

The day was abuzz with excitement as guests explored the new facility, snacked on delicious refreshments, and learned more about RA’s nationwide mail processing capabilities. The guided tours showcased the systems, machines, and processes that define RA’s approach to direct mail commingling services. Strategically located in Detroit, the facility also highlights RA’s commitment to the local community and economic growth in the Detroit region.

Màil Magic Unpacked

The highlight? A dynamic presentation on RA’s mail commingling prowess. From optimized mailing lists to cost savings via presort discounts, RA’s services were spotlighted for their efficiency and competitiveness; with an emphasis on giving businesses, big and small, a clear advantage for their direct mail operations. The future of mail processing looks bright from Detroit!

Networking Over Nibbles

During the event, guests enjoyed mingling around a full spread of drinks and refreshments, fostering connections and sparking potential collaborations. It was more than an event; it was an opportunity for industry peers to swap ideas, discuss innovations, and form meaningful partnerships.

DCPHC: Where Print Minds Meet

As the sun set, the event segued into the October DCPHC meeting and shared passion for print craftsmanship. Inspired by RA’s technology, new facility, and capabilities, DCPHC members dove into discussions about the ever-changing world of printing in Detroit and beyond. Watch for coverage of the event in an upcoming issue of Craftopics.

Cheers to Daria and Tom

Finally, a huge shoutout to Daria and Tom for orchestrating this stellar event. Their planning and commitment to promoting collaboration within the local printing community made RA’s grand opening and the DCPHC meeting a seamless and successful event.

In closing, RA wishes to express our most sincere gratitude to all attendees. The event not only celebrated the new Detroit facility, but also reinforced RA’s commitment to excellence in direct mail commingling. Looking forward, RA is poised for more growth, collaboration, and excellence in the dynamic world of direct mail and printing. The future of mail is shining bright from the heart of Detroit.

Like to know more about RA’s time and cost saving solutions for direct mail?

Give us a call anytime at 800-441-7804 or send an email to: contactus@royalalliances.com